
Our Miscellany books

Love at first sight which we cannot refuse,
Word travels on issues we care for,
Free words to create stories with awareness.



Picture books, or rather, picturebooms!

Stories for active dreamers, for those convinced that stories are what “holds up the world” and for those who think: “hat use is a book without pictures or conversation?”.
Picture books to leaf through and read out loud or silently; which talk about worlds so utterly made up that they seem real. Our picturebooms are suitable for those who are only just opening their eyes on the world and those who have been walking it for a while now, but have never stopped imagining.
The AlBoom! collection crackles and pops, without hurting anyone. We recommend, however, that you handle it with care: short sentences turn into long emotions and can cause strong mood swings.



Vidas, like the biographies of the Provençal troubadours in the Early Middle Ages. There, the story of the troubadours’ lives moves across history and legend, weaving together fictional and true anecdotes, like warp and weft. The fictional biographies from our collection are made of the same stuff as Vidas, drawing on words and figures. They are controversial and un-common lives, ones worth telling, without foregoing the game of fiction.